Why Survivable.World?

Why Survivable.World?

We believe that wildlife conservation should be fun and trendy. Imagine a clothing line that gives you a voice and opportunity to help bring change. We have developed a line of endangered-species apparel to help raise awareness for wildlife conservation.  At...

How To Save The Vaquita, The World’s Cutest Marine Mammal

How To Save The Vaquita, The World’s Cutest Marine Mammal

The world’s cutest marine mammal is in danger of dying out. The vaquita, a small porpoise, is nearly extinct. It’s down to about 30 animals and, according to a new study, the vaquita’s population is expected to plummet by half by 2022. That’s because the vaquita is often caught and drowned in fishing nets that contain other, larger and more valuable fish. The good news is that there are some great organizations and people working to save this adorable animal…

Amur Leopard: The Most Endangered Cat In The World

Amur Leopard: The Most Endangered Cat In The World

We’re going to introduce you to the Amur leopard. It’s a unique subspecies of leopard that exists only in the Russian Far East. These are incredibly rare animals with only about 70 individuals left in the wild. The Amur Leopard is a subspecies of Panthera pardus. It is also known as the Far Eastern leopard, Manchurian leopard, Northeast China leopard and Korean leopard. It is named after its habitat – the Amur Basin between Russia and China…